

网赌上分平台为学生提供身临其境的, 变革性的教育体验, 几代人, 已经被证明能让毕业生在未来的职业生涯中脱颖而出. 最终, 是激情, 聪明才智, 以及我们全体教员的动力, 工作人员, 以及体现并履行这一承诺的政府.

作为 战略计划一个全校委员会认定 员工七大核心竞争力 支持大学的 使命及价值观; measure the successful and effective performance of all employees of the 网赌上分平台; and guide the evaluation and performance management process and goal-setting activities.

我们的员工核心竞争力是建立一个吸引人的工作场所不可或缺的一部分, 培养, 留住人才, 使我们能够达致策略性计划中“以人为本”的重要目标.

多样性 & 包含/价值观差异

Man年龄 and/or treats all kinds of people in an equal fashion; deals fairly and effectively with all races, 民族, 文化, 能力, 年龄, 性别, and sexual orientation; equal and fair treatment for all; see and appreciate the importance of diversity and inclusion.


通过写作清晰简洁地传达信息, speaking and social/technology platforms; articulates thoughts and expresses ideas effectively using oral, 写, visual and non-verbal communication skills; possesses and uses listening skills to gain understanding.


致力于满足内部和外部客户的期望,以客户为中心. 深入了解客户需求,提升大学的卓越声誉. Gains customer trust and respect; solicits and follows up on feedback.

解决问题 & 持续改进

Looks deep into solutions; seeks out information; in a short time does analysis; looks beyond the first answer for effective solutions. 使流程与组织优先级保持一致,并且可以设计和实现通过资源推动工作向前发展的工作流. 能否建立适当的度量标准, 在必要时创造协同效应和整合, 并且可以简化流程并最大化资源分配.


A person who is a people builder of themselves and others; provides and takes challenging assignments/tasks; pushes self and others to acquire knowledge for individual and organizational growth. 自我意识到个人优势和发展机会,并寻求平衡绩效和职业对话的见解,以设计发展计划. Holds development conversations with direct reports and manager; seeks out training and development opportunities for self and others.

信任 & 完整性

表现出高尚的道德标准和行为,受到广泛信任,并因其意见和建议而受到追捧. Does not misrepresent self; admits mistakes; take ownership of work; delivers on time, quality solutions while meeting most goals; known to be dependable.

招聘和人员配置 (经理)

Recruits the best people from inside or out of the organization; not afraid to get strong people; seeks out effective 工作人员ing models in both structure and size of 工作人员. 理解组织策略, 工作结构, 什么是成功的角色,并可以转化为选择合适的人才为组织.